Friday, April 26, 2013

You asked for it... Cheat Lake Hautings.

The Hauntings at Cheat Lake were the first event to bring the group together, so we knew it was gonna be a big case. Cassandra, who had first seen the two girls while driving home, brought us together with that post asking for help. So when we finally decided to make the trip, expectations were high.
It was almost like the final piece in our group's story.

I myself trusted Cassandra about what she had seen completely. With all the evidence we were finding throughout Morgantown, I wasn't shocked by paranormal encounters anymore.

I'd been to Cheat Lake a few times, but never hung around for long. It's one of those rich neighborhoods where if you don't live there, aren't a member of the golf course, and don't own a boat, there's not much to do. So yeah, I'd been through.

We went to the same forest where Cassandra had seen the ghosts of the two girls. It was just dusk, and we decided that we should probably hang around for a bit, just so that we weren't walking in and immediately expecting something. So we set up camp, made a fire, and kept an eye out for anything suspicious.
We'd all gotten pretty chummy at this point, so we sat around the fire talking and drinking. General merrymaking early in the night.
This is a picture I got from early on in the night.
Looking back I really wish that moment had lasted a little longer.
I was taking a swig of beer when I felt a pressure on my left shoulder. I figured one of the group members had just brushed by me but when I looked back nobody was there.
I looked across the fire at peter and he was staring, jaw gaping, at whatever had just happened.
Alcyone was sitting next to him and she just looked horrified.
My first thought was to look over at Agnes and Cassandra, but the second I did they got jerked out of their seats.
The last thing I saw that night was Cassandra getting dragged around in the grass, and trying to grab onto something.
I blacked out after that.
All I remember from that night is being so terrified and confused that I couldn't move. Sometimes when I'm falling asleep I still jolt awake after thinking about that pressure on my shoulder. 

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