Thursday, April 25, 2013

Investigations at Boreman Hall

I got good feedback from my last post about the Hotel Morgan that I've decided I'm gonna write more about my history with MAPI. Apparently y'all are more interested in hearing about ghosts than about iron oxide harvesting (big surprise.) But I don't mind, cause I like remembering MAPI. 
 So the group had been getting contacted a lot about hauntings at Boreman Hall, a girls dormitory on the Downtown Campus of WVU. 
It's even said to be one of the most haunted dorms on campus. One of the stories we heard seemed pretty legitimate. A girl emailed us, saying that she had lived there for a year and had all kinds of odd things happen. Once she left her room for a few minutes, leaving her computer on her bed, and when she came back the laptop was in the center of the room on the floor, and the screen was black. Other people have said they've felt a presence, like they weren't ever alone in there. 
 So anyways the group was pretty excited for this one. After our other investigations we were getting a hang of things and weren't so easily freaked out anymore. We were becoming real pros at this stuff. When we got to the dorm we all got out our cameras, hoping to actually see something (a lot of times we only heard things, but everybody is more believing when they actually see it.) 
 We went up to the third floor, cause we'd gotten the most complaints about it. We all definitely felt a presence, and proceeded with caution. When we got to the staircase at the end of the hall, we jumped. I was lucky enough to get a picture, though.

She disappeared as soon as I got the picture.
Still, some of the best visual evidence we ever got. 


  1. That's not what the stairs in Boreman look like. Also, it is obviously photoshopped.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
