Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Perpetual Dryness, with a Pinch of Desolation

I never thought I'd miss the color green so much. 

Everything around me is either rock or dirt, with the exception of the contents of the atmosphere dome… not that anything inside is warm or soft or comforting. The second I take off my suit and step onto the tile floor of the dome, I realize there’s just no avoiding discomfort in this place.
Even my bed is unwelcoming. I lay down every night on a set of sheets that are coarser than a burlap sack, and look almost radioactive in their sterile whiteness. In the beginning, before I broke everything in a little bit there was a constant, subtle crackling sound coming from my pillow when I laid my head on it.
So yeah, I’m really sitting in the lap of luxury here. Tim Grandy- a real success story.

The conditions have definitely made me feel more alone; which is saying something, because I’m on another planet. I dunno if I like having all this time to think. I just start remembering everything I miss back home. Not anything material-like, mainly just people.

Just the other day… I had gotten in from a harvest, and I sat down to look at the stats on my blog. For some reason I was reminded of the time I found Cassandra’s first blog post about a paranormal encounter. I can’t believe I didn’t think more of it then.
That group gave me something to hold on to in a really… I dunno if I can say dark time… maybe blank time is better. Yeah, I just literally had nothing going on and felt like I had wasted a major part of my life with my previous job. The group gave me something to do, and it was something like I’d never experienced before. When we met at Jay’s for the first time they were just strangers I met on coincidence, but by our final job I couldn’t stand the thought of it ending.

I don’t get emotional about things usually.
I just can’t believe something so significant happened to me, and now that part of my life is over.


1 comment:

  1. Tim,

    I always think about when we first met at Jay's too. If it wasn't for Cassandra's blog post, we all probably would have never met. I think we should get more people interested so that MAPI never has to end. I'll let you know if anything new happens around here.

